According WUNDERGROUND.COM forecast – “Snow this evening will give way to lingering snow showers late. Low around 10F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 100%. Snow accumulating 5 to 8 inches.”
The community and our wells need the water. Who ever is doing the snow dancing, please keep it up!
We’d like to remind everyone that when you empty your fireplace ashes, do so into a metal can and allow them to sit in a safe outdoor space for a week before adding them to your trash. The home you save could be your own and your local trash service appreciates your efforts, too. ~ Indian Hills Fire Rescue
Monday night about 11:30 across from the Indian hills community center. Unknown cause. Community very lucky, as strong winds have been blowing now for a few days. Everything is so dry.
THANK YOU goes out to our Indian Hills Volunteer Firefighters!!
Fire District Collaboration and Merger Initiative – as reported within the Indian Hills Fire Protection District Board Meeting Minutes from November 2020:
The board decided to support Elk Creek and Inter-Canyon analysis of service provision analytics which will generate a report that identifies the pros and cons and gaps to fill. After further discussion, Director Marc Rosenberg made the motion to participate in the collaboration analysis with costs up to $6,000. Director Kelley Lehman seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Up to $6,000 of tax payer funds to be used in collaboration analysis of merging Fire Districts.
EMD urges residents to take water conservation seriously now
Deb Hurley Brobst
The first six months of 2021 are predicted to be dryer than normal, and the Evergreen Metropolitan District is reminding residents that it isn’t too soon to conserve water.
All foothills residents, whether in a water district or on private wells, should be concerned about drought, and EMD General Manager Dave Lighthart is already expecting to impose water restrictions in the district as soon as April.
“The stream-flow forecast that came out in January is showing critical issues throughout the state but most importantly in the Bear Creek and the Mount Evans watersheds,” Lighthart said. “We want people to be aware that we are extremely dry. The long-range forecasts for the (foothills) are that temperatures will likely be higher than normal with an equal chance of lower-than-normal precipitation.”
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