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Month: August 2021

Indian Hills Christian Fellowship Church votes to dissolve.

After Sunday services, August 8 2021, Indian Hills Christian Fellowship Church held a business meeting.  The two remaining deacons had brought forth a motion under section XI of the Indian Hills Christian Fellowship Church to dissolve the church and to turn over all assets to Converge Rocky Mountain.  Prior to voting on the motion by the deacons, one of the members moved for an alternative motion to remove the two deacons and allow the membership to work together and rebuild the local Christian church.  After much discussion, a vote was taken on the motion to remove the two deacons and rebuild the church, the motion failed to pass with 4 against and 3 in support of the motion.   That was then followed up by a vote on the motion brought forth by the two deacons, to dissolve the IHCF Church and turn over all property and assets to Converge Rocky Mountain.  The vote was taken and passed 12 to 2, immediately dissolving Indian Hills Christian Fellowship Church and transferring ownership of all assets.   To contact Converge Rocky Mountain please go to site: