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Month: January 2022

Board of Health approves updated Indian Hills OWTS policy at 1/18/2022 Board of health public meeting.

The entire Board of Health meeting as recorded via Zoom from 1/18/2022 is provided. Times that are of interest concerning OWTS policy and/or public comment are:

1:04:00 – 02:27:10 Is the presentation of the new policy by JCPH, discussion and vote by the Board of Health. New Indian Hills OWTS Policy as voted unanimously by 3 Board of Health members present during the meeting.

03:52:00 – 04:18:00 Board of Health direction for Variance Case Hearings, specifically: OWTS Variances.

04:50:10 – 04:51:39 Annual Board of Health Officer elections

04:51:40 – 05:08:39 Public Comment to the Board of Health

Jeffco Mom’s, can they be trusted? A play on Dawn Comstock’s words “Moms can’t be trusted”

A podcast on what was discovered via CORA requests by concerned mom’s within Jefferson County: “A podcast on our work with CORA and our experiences with JCPH. We are always happy to share our experiences with anyone who will help share our message! Take a listen below and share to spread awareness! The title is a play on Comstock’s words that “Moms can’t be trusted.” That’s right- we can’t be trusted to keep quiet! 😀

Here is the podcast:

Join Jeffco Kids First –


When – Wednesday January 19 – * WHAT…Freezing drizzle and light snow expected.…/co/evergreen/KCOEVERG145…WINTER WEATHER ADVISORYISSUED: 2:49 PM JAN. 18, 2022 – NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE…WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 8 PM MST WEDNESDAY.

..* WHAT…Freezing drizzle and light snow expected. Total snow accumulation up to one inch and ice accumulations up to a tenth of an inch

* WHERE…Portions of central, east central, north central, and northeast Colorado.

* WHEN…From 5 AM to 8 PM MST Wednesday. Worst conditions in themorning.

* IMPACTS…Icy roads will make travel very difficult. Plan onslippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impactthe Wednesday morning and evening commutes.

PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS…Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for Colorado can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by going to Roads will be slick resulting in slow and hazardous travel. Allow extra time to reach your destination

Sidewalks may be icy and very slippery.