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Indian Hills Fire Protection District – IHFR

End of year Giving – Donate to IHFR Volunteer Firefighters.

Most, if not all, of our community LOVE our Indian Hills Volunteer Firefighters Indian Hills Boots is the charity that directly provides support for all of our volunteer firefighters. Please consider supporting this fantastic local charity that directly supports our volunteer firefighters. While we hope for no emergencies; it is vital to know we have such locally trained professionals ready to assist when those emergencies happen. Please consider supporting our Indian Hills Firefighters.

How to join and become a Firefighter/Medic?

Send a check to: Indian Hills Fire Boots, PO BOX 750 Indian Hills, CO 80454 or drop a check off with Chief Mark Forgy at the Firehouse.

You can also click “Donate” on the bottom of the page and donate via Paypal.

CPR Training March 15 Indian Hills Fire Dept

FREE – CPR Training at Indian Hills Fire Dept – March 15th!

Free American Heart Association HeartSaver CPR class hosted by Indian Hills Fire Rescue. Students will learn CPR, how to use an AED and how to care for someone who’s choking. Class size will be limited and masks will be required.
Please email to sign up.

When: March 15, 2021 from 7pm – 9:30pm.

Contact by email to sign up:

Cool Your Ashes before adding to your trash

We’d like to remind everyone that when you empty your fireplace ashes, do so into a metal can and allow them to sit in a safe outdoor space for a week before adding them to your trash. The home you save could be your own and your local trash service appreciates your efforts, too. ~ Indian Hills Fire Rescue


Indian Hills Fire – Monday Night Feb 8th about 11:30pm

Monday night about 11:30 across from the Indian hills community center. Unknown cause. Community very lucky, as strong winds have been blowing now for a few days. Everything is so dry.

THANK YOU goes out to our Indian Hills Volunteer Firefighters!!

Please be careful out there.

Want to learn more about becoming a volunteer firefighter for Indian Hills:

IHFR – Fire District Collaboration and Merger Initiative

Fire District Collaboration and Merger Initiative – as reported within the Indian Hills Fire Protection District Board Meeting Minutes from November 2020:

The board decided to support Elk Creek and Inter-Canyon analysis of service provision analytics
which will generate a report that identifies the pros and cons and gaps to fill. After further
discussion, Director Marc Rosenberg made the motion to participate in the collaboration analysis with
costs up to $6,000. Director Kelley Lehman seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Up to $6,000 of tax payer funds to be used in collaboration analysis of merging Fire Districts.

If you want to know more, recommend getting involved and attending the IHFPD Board of Directors public meetings. Meeting schedule is found at: with actual meeting time and Zoom information posted:


Reference for all of IHFR Meeting Minutes: