Rockfall mitigation work on CO 74 Bear Creek Canyon Sept 2020 – Feb 2021
The Colorado Department of Transportation and contractor Midwest Rockfall, Inc. will begin a rockfall mitigation project in Bear Creek Canyon, which is along Colorado Highway 74 between Morrison and Idledale. Work will involve week day full closures on CO 74 from Mile Point 16.1 to MP 18 beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8. The week day full closures will be in place during working hours (listed below) through February 2021.
Full story at:
Impact to Indian Hills will be serious increase usage of Parmalee Gulch by non Indian Hills residents. Heads UP – many have already reported multiple vehicles illegally passing double yellow on Parmalee Gulch with no regard for safety. Some have seen passing on double yellow just before the blind corners.
Be aware of the increased traffic and keep your eyes up for possible head on traffic, of course in addition to all of our wonderful wildlife.